
Years back, when state bond money was used to purchase the right-of-way (ROW), a letter roughly described the width of the ROW. Keep in mind that 52 feet is all that is needed for three tracks, and 68 feet is all that is needed for FOUR tracks.

"This letter agreement sets forth the terms and conditions pursuant to which the Peninsula Corridor Study Joint Powers Board ("JPB") and Southern Pacific Transportation Company ("SP" or "SPT") will purchase certain SP properties in San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda and Santa Clara Counties for passenger commute operations."

ROW width (ft) Section descriptions
(southern endpoints only)

Bayshore to ...

100 Brisbane M Street

130 just south of US 101 overpass in SSF

100-150 Oyster Point Blvd. / Butler Road

150 US 101 overpass south of SSF station

80-100 Linden Ave grade crossing

100-80 San Bruno Ave

50-130 (generally 130) Santa Cruz Ave (MP 13) in Millbrae

100-130 Lincoln Ave (MP 15) in Burlingame

75-125 Grand Blvd (MP 17) in San Mateo

60-100 Hayward Park (MP 19)

60-80 Laurie Meadows underpass (MP21) in San Mateo

60-75 San Carlos (MP 23)

50-75 Hopkins Ave (MP 25) in Redwood City

40-80 north of Berkshire Ave. in Redwood City

As an example of how to read the above, if you wanted to check on the the ROW width through downtown San Mateo, you can see that it varies between 60 and 100 feet in the 2-mile stretch between Grand Boulevard (milepost 17) in San Mateo and Hayward Park (milepost 19).

Read on....



